
Welcome to this toki pona helper

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kama pona lon toki pona sona ilo

sina lukin anpa la sina ken lukin e ilo ken


Learn toki pona using active recall techniques - a bit like how flash cards work.


Official words

Train the 125 root toki pona words. This is a good place to start as a beginner.

Train simple words!

Compound training

Train some definitions of commonly used compound toki pona words.

Train compound words!

Proper nouns

Train proper toki pona nouns.

Train proper nouns!

Full sentences

Train full toki pona sentences.

Train sentences!

Writing systems/sign language

Learn ways of communicating in toki pona, without writing latin letters.


Hieroglyphs (sitelen pona)

Train toki pona hieroglyphs, as they appear in the official toki pona book.

Train sitelen pona!

Sign language (toki pona luka)

Train toki pona sign langauge, as described in the official toki pona book.

(Not yet implemented)


Various tools to help you in your toki pona adventures.

English <-> toki pona dictionary

A full english to/from toki pona dictionary - even has sentence examples.

Go to dictionary!

Text to sitelen pona converter

A simple tool to convert text into toki pona hieroglyphs (sitelen pona).

Go to converter!